Capcom is officially making a sequel to Dragon’s Dogma, the beloved but modestly successful action role-playing game released in 2012. The sequel, Dragon’s Dogma 2, was confirmed by Capcom veteran and Dragon’s Dogma game director Hideaki Itsuno during a 10-year anniversary livestream on Thursday.
Itsuno was joined by Dragon’s Dogma art director Daigo Ikeno and level designer Kenichi Suzuki, who are also working on the sequel, during the stream. The trio reminisced about the creation of the original Dragon’s Dogma and how they planned to set it apart from similar action RPGs with the ability to climb enemies, the game’s unique Pawn system, and building on real-world mythology to create monsters.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is being developed using Capcom’s internal RE Engine, the technology that powers the recent Resident Evil remakes, Devil May Cry 5, and next year’s Street Fighter 6. Beyond that, Itsuno had little to share about Dragon’s Dogma 2, other than that it is in full production and that he hopes it will be worth the decade-long wait. A release date and platforms for the sequel were not announced.
The original Dragon’s Dogma was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. In our review of the fantasy action-RPG, we said Dragon’s Dogma “embraces wild design choices that provide fascinating results, even when they don’t necessarily work toward a better experience for the player.” Capcom released Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, an expansion/re-release of the original, in 2013.