
News: Branches, Basis, Fundamentals, and References of Dream interpretation

A man hid his money inside his house and went on a journey. On his way back home, he became sick. The man also owed money to some people, and he thought of telling one of his companions about the place of his money and to ask him to pay his debt, but he aspired for recovery and hoped to return home and pay his debts in person. During his journey, the man died. His son saw him in a dream and asked: “What did God do to you?”
The father replied: “My condition is in abeyance, and it depends on some debts that must be paid first. I have some money hidden in such-and-such place. Please go and dig them up, pay people what lowe them, and enjoy the rest.” In the morning, the son told a friend about his dream and added: “It is a fairy tale!” A few days later, the father came back to his son in another dream and said: “I have told you about something that will benefit you and that will free me from my limbo, but you failed to do it!” The son woke up in shock and immediately went to the place his father indicated in the dream. When he dug out the money, he paid his father’s debts and benefited from his unanticipated inheritance.
A man said to a dream interpreter: “I saw a bird flying off from my chest, then I sought my mother who hid me inside her garment.” The interpreter replied: “If your dream is true, then it means your death. The bird represents your soul, and your hiding in your mother’s robe means your burial. God Almighty has said: ‘From it We created you, and into it, We shall return you.”‘
A dream interpreter once said: “I saw a ruler sitting in a high place, and people were looking at him. I interpreted my dream to mean the ruler’s death and people’s deliberation of his work. A few months later, the ruler died, and people engaged in talking about his deeds and judging of his work.”
A man said to a dream interpreter: “In a dream, I went to a pond to drink some water. Suddenly, as I reached down to drink from it, a beast appeared from inside the pond and tried to impede my purpose. At a certain point, I turned into another sea creature and jumped into the water, then remained in that pond to help serve the thirst of every person who comes.” The dream interpreter replied: “If your dream is true, you will seek an appointment in the government, and someone who is close to the ruler will fight you.

Later on, positive circumstances will manifest and allow you to attain your goals and to take the place of that person. People will then come to you for their needs, and you will serve them with honesty, justice, and compassion.” The man’s dream was true, and as soon as he occupied that chair, he called for the dream interpreter and rewarded him for his knowledge.

A man said to Shaikh Ahmad Al-Far’on: “I saw Prince so-and-so riding on a high horse in a stately form and people honoring him.” The Shaikh replied: “If your dream is true, he will soon be appointed at a high-ranking position.” Shortly after that, the prince was appointed to the pilgrims’ administration.
Shaikh Salim Bin ‘Isa once visited Hamza Bin Al-Habib Al-Zayyat, God bless his soul, who had memorized the Holy Qur’an and read it with great devotion, seeking God’s pleasure, and saw him crying and rubbing his cheeks with dust. He exclaimed: “I call upon God’s protection for you. O Hamza, what is this crying?” Hamza replied: “Last night, I saw in a dream that the Day of Resurrection took place. The readers of the Qur’an were called in to stand before God Almighty, and I was among them. I then heard an amiable voice saying: ‘Only those who lived by the Qur’an should enter.’ I was in shock, so I began to withdraw. A voice called my name: ‘Where are you going to, O Hamza Bin AIZayyat?’ I cried out: ‘At thy command, O callers to my Lord.’ An angel then said to me: ‘Say: At Thy command O my Lord, At Thy command.’ So I repeated what the angel told me to say. I was then led into an abode where I heard the voices of Qur’iin readers. I stood there shaking. I then heard a voice saying to me: ‘Be at peace. Rise there and read.’ I turned my face to the direction of the voice and saw a pulpit made from white pearls. One step is made from red sapphire, and another is made from green chrysolite. Then I was told: ‘Rise and read.’ So I did, and I read the Al-An’am chapter, not knowing before whom I am reading. When I reached verse sixty-one, reading: ‘AndHe is the irresistible lord, Who watches from above over His creation… ‘ (Qur’an 6:61), the voice then said: ‘O Hamza, Am I, not the irresistible Lord, Who watches from above over His creation?’ I said: ‘Indeed. Thou speaks the truth.’ Then I read the Al-A’raf chapter to its last verse, which says: ‘Those who are near to their Lord, do not disdain to worship Him. They celebrate His praises, and bow down in prostration before Him.’ (Qur’an 7:206).
As  I intended to prostrate before my Lord, my Lord said: ‘Sufficient is the reading. Do not prostrate here.’ He continued: ‘0 Hamza, who taught you how to read this?’ I replied: ‘Sulaiman.’ He said: ‘True. Who taught Sulaiman?’ I replied: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘True. Who taught Yahya?’ I replied: ‘Abi Abdu-Rahman.’ He said: ‘True. Who taught Abi Abdu-Rahman?’ I replied: ‘Ali Bin Abi Talib, the cousin of Thy Prophet.’ He said: ‘Ali spoke the truth. Who taught Ali?’ I replied: ‘Thy Prophet, upon whom be peace.’ He said: ‘My Prophet spoke the truth. Who taught My Prophet?’ I replied: ‘Gabriel, upon whom be peace.’ He continued: ‘And Who taught Gibreel?’ I remained silent. He said: ‘O Hamza, say You.’ I replied: ‘Lord, I cannot say that!’ He again said: ‘Say You.’ I said: ‘You.’ He said: ‘You spoke the truth, O Hamza. I swear by the Qur’an, I shall honor its readers and particularly those who lived by it and acted with it. O Hamza, the Qur’an is My Word, and I love no one better than the people of the Qur’an. O Hamza, come nearer.’ So I did, and my Lord anointed me with musky ambergris. Then He added: O Hamza. This is not only for you. I did the same to your companions who are higher than you and to those who are lower than you, as well as to those who read the Qur’an like you and who seek no reward except Me. What I have reserved for you is still greater than this. So tell your friends about Me and about My love for the people of the Qur’an, for they are the chosen and elite. O Hamza, I swear by My Glory and Majesty, I shall never punish a tongue that recited the Qur’an, nor a heart that understood it, nor an ear that heard it, nor an eye that looked at it.’ I said: ‘Glory be to Thee, O my Lord.’ God Almighty added: ‘Who are the people of the Qur’an?’ I said: ‘Those who memorize it, my Lord?’ He said: ‘Indeed. Such people. I am on their side until they meet with Me on the Day of judgment. When they come before Me, I shall raise them a station for each verse they learned.”’ Hamza, God be pleased with him continued: “Thus, would you blame me if I cry and rub my cheeks with dust?

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